Agilent 8160A Programmable Pulse Generators


The HP 8160A is a fully programmable pulse generator designed for high performance applications on the bench and in automatic test systems. Operation is made easy because the pulse parameters are controlled independently and do not inter-react. Dual channel options permit synchronous or complex waveforms to be generated. With its 50 MHz repetition rate, 20 V output, and 6 ns variable transition times, the HP 8160A is a general purpose pulse generator. The HP 8161A covers the high end of technology with its 100 MHz, 5 V and 1.3 ns variable transition times. Measured between the 20% to 80% amplitude points, these transitions are faster than 1 ns and meet ECL requirements.



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Dual channel, rate common (Option 020)

Period – Range

20 ns to 999 ms

Delay/double pulse, width


0.0 ns to 999 ms

Transition Times


6.0 ns to 9.99 ms

Output (50 ohms into 50 ohms)



0.10 to 9.99V

Operating Modes

normal, trigger, gate, ext burst (0 to 9999 pulses), double pulse

HP-IB capability


9 programmable locations

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