Rohde & Schwarz UPV Audio Analyzer


The Rohde & Schwarz UPV Audio Analyzer is ideal for frequency response measurement, total harmonic distortion (THD) displays, spectral displays, analysis of digital interfaces, and much more. The generator is just as versatile and can be used to create any conceivable signal from sinewave and noise signals up to multi-sinewave signals.


  • Suitable for all interfaces (analog, digital and combined)
  • Simultaneous display of multiple measurement functions
  • Sampling rate up to 400 kHz
  • Compact instrument with integrated PC
  • Slots for future options
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Dual-channel analog analyzer
Inputs, 2 channels XLR female, balanced (unbalanced measurements possible with R&S®UP-Z1MF XLR/BNC adapter)

XLR pin 1 floating/grounded selectable, AC/DC coupling selectable

Frequency range bandwidth 22 kHz/40 kHz/80 kHz/250 kHz DC/10 Hz to 21.76 kHz/40 kHz/80 kHz/250 kHz
Voltage range RMS, sine 0.1 μV to 110 V
Measurement functions
Base unit RMS wideband, RMS selective, peak, quasi-peak, S/N, DC, FFT, THD, THD+N, SINAD, Mod Dist, DFD, DIM, polarity, waveform, frequency,

phase, group delay

R&S®UPV-K6 option rub & buzz, 1/n octave analysis, undersample FFT, impulse response, transfer and coherence, interchannel delay
R&S®UPV-K61 option PESQ
R&S®UPV-K62 option PEAQ
R&S®UPV-K63 option POLQA
Eight-channel analog inputs (R&S®UPV-B48 option)
Inputs, 8 channels 25-pin D-Sub female

balanced, AC/DC coupling selectable

Frequency range DC/20 Hz to 40 kHz
Voltage range RMS, sine 0.1 μV to 50 V
Measurement functions RMS wideband, RMS selective, peak, S/N, DC, FFT, THD, THD+N, SINAD, Mod Dist, DFD, DIM, polarity, waveform, frequency, phase, group delay
Analog generator
Outputs, 2 channels XLR male, floating/grounded, balanced/unbalanced, short-circuit-proof
Voltage balanced, RMS, sine, open circuit 0.1 mV to 20 V
unbalanced, RMS, sine, open circuit 0.1 mV to 10 V
Frequency range base unit, sine 0.1 Hz to 80 kHz
R&S®UPV-B1 option, sine 10 Hz to 185 kHz
Output signals base unit sine, multisine, sine burst, sine2 burst, Mod Dist, DFD, noise, arbitrary waveform, polarity, FM,

AM, DC, play WAVE files

R&S®UPV-B3 option stereo sine, DIM, square
Digital analyzer/generator
Digital audio interfaces (R&S®UPV-B2 option)
Connectors balanced XLR female/male, transformer coupling, 110 Ω
unbalanced BNC, grounded, 75 Ω
Channels 1, 2 or both
Number of audio bits 8 to 24
Sampling rate 30 kHz to 200 kHz
Format professional format (AES3) and consumer format (IEC 60958)
Output signals/measurement functions R&S®UPV-B2 option same as with analog device
R&S®UPV-K21 option digital audio protocol
R&S®UPV-K22 option jitter, common mode
I2S interface (R&S®UPV-B41 option)
Connector 25-pin D-Sub male,

BNC for external sync clock signal

Channels 1, 2 or both
Word length 16/24/32 bit per channel
Number of audio bits 8 to 32
Sampling rate 6.75 kHz to 400 kHz
Output signals/measurement functions same as with analog device

Specifications in brief 20

Rated voltage 100 V/120 V/220 V/230 V, 50 Hz to 60 Hz, 300 VA
Dimensions (W × H × D) 465 mm × 197 mm × 495 mm

(18.31 in × 7.76 in × 19.49 in)

Weight with all options 15.0 kg (33.07 lb)
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