Anritsu S820C Transmission Line & Ant. Analyzer 3.3 GHz - 20.0 GHz


Site Master S810C covering 3.3 GHz to 10.0 GHz, and S820C covering 3.3 GHz – 20.0 GHz, are the most accurate, reliable and convenient one port microwave transmission line and antenna analyzers available for installation, verification, troubleshooting, and repair of microwave communication systems. Measurement capability includes tune mode, return loss, SWR, cable loss, and distance-to-fault (DTF) analysis. Tune mode is a fast sweep mode that quickly tunes the waveguide by adjusting the flange connectors quickly at both ends of the wave guide. Patented RF interference rejection enables accurate measurements in the presence of high RF activity. Data Analysis software enables assessment of system trends, problems, and performance in addition to professional report generation. An optional power meter is available to make power measurements quickly and easily. Microwave Site Master S810C and S820C utilizes vector error correction solving the most common and the most difficult accuracy problems of field test equipment operation and thus, improves system quality and reduces maintenance expenses. Difficult test specifications are easy to verify. Vector error correction and a simple, friendly user interface within the S810C and S820C further improve the quality and convenience of measurements compared to traditional scalar techniques. Vector error correction also improves the quality of Distance-To-Fault data. Not only is the reflection magnitude more accurate, the waveguide dispersion correction for fault distance (different frequencies travel at different speeds) is also more accurate and repeatable.



  • Handheld, battery-operated design
  • Lightweight at only 4.2 lbs. (including battery)
  • Superior Immunity to RF interference
  • Locate long range problems with 517 data points
  • Tune Mode for waveguide component alignment/testing
  • Multilingual user interface; English, Portuguese, French, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, German
  • Saves 10 Measurement Test Set-Ups
  • Saves up to 200 Measurement Traces
  • Clearly defined user interface for Coaxial cable and Waveguide media
  • Pop-up menus for cable list, waveguide list, and compatible flange list
  • Quickly select cable/waveguide type and test parameters without setup error
  • Alphanumeric Labeling of Saved Measurements
  • Automatic Time and Date Stamp of Saved Data
  • Rechargeable, Field Replaceable Battery
  • Distance Measurement in Feet and Meters
  • 6 Markers, Limit Lines, and Segmented Limit Lines


Frequency Range  

3.30 to 20.0 GHz

Frequency Accuracy (CW mode)

75 ppm @ 25 C

Display Resolution

130, 259 and 517 data points

Frequency Resolution

1 MHz

Immunity to Interfering RF Signals

-10 dBm

Return Loss (SWR)


 0 to 54 dB (1 to 65)


0.01 dB


Vertical range
Return loss: 0 to 54 dB
SWR: 1 to 65
Horizontal range (meter): 0 to 129X (resolution)
Horizontal resolution, (meter): coax: (1.5 x 108) (nr)/ D frequency
(Rectangular windowing) waveguide: (1.5 x 108) Ã1 – (fc/f1)2/ D frequency


 (RF power monitor, Option 5)

Display range: –80 to +80 dBm, 10 pW to 100 kW
Detector range: –45 to +20 dBm, 30 nW to 100 mW
Offset range: 0 to +60 dB
Resolution: 0.1 dB, 0.1 x W

Coax/Waveguide Insertion Loss


 0 to 54 dB


0.01 dB

Test port connector

Precision K female, 50 W

Maximum input without damage

K(f) test port: +27 dBm

RF power detector: +20 dBm, 50 W

Trace memory

200 Max.

Instrument configuration/calibration




0 to 50°C


–20° to 75°C


4.2 lbs (1.89 kg)


203.2 mm x 177.8 mm x 57.2 mm


Electromagnetic Compatibility

 Meets European community requirements for CE marking.


9 pin D-sub, three wire serial

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