HP 3577B Network Analyzer 5 Hz - 200 MHz


Hewlett Packard 3577B is a high-performance, yet economical, two-channel, (optional three-channel) network analyzer for use in both research and development and manufacturing. It is used to measure magnitude/phase, insertion loss, group delay, SWR, electrical length, and gain compression from 5 Hz to 200 MHz when used with the 35676A/B reflection/transmission kit, it can also measure return loss, reflection coefficient, and impedance.

With the optional HP Instrument BASIC, the 3577B can execute user-written programs designed to automate measurement systems, compute parameters (such as pass band ripple and 3 dB bandwidth) or customize the user-interface. This includes system control of other HP-IB instruments and peripherals via the HP-IB. A programmable I/O port, located on the rear panel, extends the HP Instrument BASIC control to non-HP-IB devices, such as device handlers, environmental chambers, and even the device-under-test itself.

Of course, the 3577B is fully programmable, either internally with HP Instrument BASIC, or externally via the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB).



  • 5 Hz to 200 MHz
  • High Speed/high accuracy measurements
  • 0.001 dB, 0.005 degree, 1ps, 0.001 Hz resolution
  • Built-in three-term error correction plus normalization
  • Magnitude, phase, polar, real, imaginary, and group delay display modes
  • Convenience features including direct plotter control and vector math functions
  • GPIB
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Source Characteristics

Frequency Characteristics


Frequency Range: 5 Hz to 200 MHz Frequency Resolution: 0.001 Hz.

Stability: for Option 001' ± 5 X 1o-8/day, 0 to 55° c


(Applicable for instrument on continuously 2 48 hours.)


Output Characteristics


Level Range: + 15 dBm to – 49 dBm

(1.26 Vrms to 793 f-l Vrms; 2 dBV to – 62 dBV) into a 50Qioad.


Resolution: 0.1 dB.


Entry Units: dBm, dBV, V.


Accuracy: ± 1 dB at + 15 dBm and 100kHz. Below + 15 dBm, add the greater of ± 0.02 dB/dB or 0.2 dB.

Flatness: 1.5 dBpp from 5 Hz to 200 MHz Impedance: 50Q; > 20 dB return loss at all levels. RF Output Connector: 50Q Type N female.


Spectral Purity:


Phase Noise (in 1 Hz Bandwidth):

< – 70 dBc at offset frequencies from carrier of

1oo Hz to 20 kHz. Harmonics:  < – 25 dBc.


Non-Harmonic Spurious Signals:

< -50 dBc or – 70 dBm whichever is greater.


Reverse Power Protection:   Output is automatically opened at a signal level of approximately +22 dBm (50Q), or± 4 Vdc, or greater applied to the source output.  Source output is reconnected with the Clear Trip function.


Sweep Characteristics


Linear Frequency:

Range: 5Hz to 200 MHz

Entry:  Start/stop or center/span frequencies. Span:  0 Hz or 0.01 Hz to 200 MHz, phase continuous.

Sweep Time:  100 ms/span to 6553 s/span.

Direction:  Increasing or decreasing frequency. Log Frequency  (segmented linear approximation):

Range: 5Hz to 200 MHz. Entry: Start/stop frequencies.

Span:  0.01 Hz to 200 MHz, phase continuous.

Log Accuracy:     2%.

Sweep Time:  200 ms/span to 6553 s/span. Sweep Direction:  Increasing frequency.

Alternate Frequency:  Sweep alternates between two separate start/stop frequencies using linear sweep only.

CW:  Frequency is fixed.  Data is updated with a selectable sample time from 1 ms to 16 s.

Discrete:  From 2 to 51 discrete frequencies at points of interest.  Resolution bandwidth and

Settling time is individually settable.  The minimum measurement time for each frequency is typically 10 ms. The discrete sweep table becomes part of the instrument state.

Sweep Direction:  Increasing or decreasing


Log Amplitude (fixed frequency): Range: + 15 dBm to – 49 dBm.

Entry: Start/stop level in dBm or dBV.

Sweep Time:  1 ms/step to 16 s/step. Total sweep time/span depends upon total number of steps and time/step.

Sweep Modes:  Continuous, single, manual.  Trigger Modes:  Free run, immediate, line, external.


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