Anritsu MP1632A Digital Data Analyzer 50 MHz - 3.2 GHz


Core networks and computer networks are becoming increasingly rapid as the volume of data transmitted in this multimedia data is growing. In addition to the STM-16/OC-48 (2.488 Gbit/s), Fibre channel, Giga-bit Ethernet, etc. are being commercialized. Compact and low-cost BERTSs (Bit Error Rate Test Sets) are required for production inspections of all kinds of transfer devices, optical modules, and logic devices.

The MP1632A realizes a compact and low-cost solution that incorporates existing measuring equipment (MP1652A Pulse Pattern Generator and MP1653A Error Detector) into one cabinet.



  • 3.2 Gb/s PPG and ED in one cabinet
  • Eye diagram measurement and burst signal measurement supported

Anritsu MP1632A Performance and Functions

  • Easy to view, superb operability
  • Large Color LCD with touch screen.
  • Employs the Microsoft Windows operating system version 3.1
  • The graphic display of measurement results, customizable screens enable one key and one parameter operation.

High-quality pulse pattern generator

Programmable patterns of 8 Mb max, PRBS patterns [(27 – 1) to (231 – 1), variable mark ratio], and zero substitution patterns can be generated. Moreover, variable cross-point of data output waveform is also supported.

Error detector with many functions

High input sensitivity (25 mVp-p*) and wide phase margin (250 ps) performance is provided. Phase margin and threshold margin can be measured using various error rates. Eye diagram display is also supported. Moreover, the auto search function enables PRBS pattern search in addition to ordinary phase and threshold search.

 Internal synthesizer with high signal purity (Option)

Generates highly pure signals with SSB phase noise characteristics of –85 dBc/Hz or less (10 kHz offset).

Support of various applications

Testing of SDH/SONET (STM-0, 1, 4, 16/OC-1, 3, 12, 48) devices  and modules, research and development on WDM components, Fiber channels, Giga-bit Ethernet, evaluation of E/O and O/E module, GaAs IC, and high-speed ASIC/FPGAs

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