AWT Global Radar Signal Generators


AWT(G) Radar Simulators generate a variety of Radar Signals. The Simulators are ideal for radar receiver testing and in training Radar Operators on object detection, recognition and Electronic Warfare (EW). The simulators offer variety of simulation capabilities; including Radar Warning Receivers (RWR), Missile Warning Receivers (MWR) and other Electronic Warfare (EW) Receivers.

AWT’s Radar Simulator can generate up to 128 simultaneous CW or Pulsed signals. An intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) makes it easy to program signal parameters. Geographic Information System (GIS) tools are also available (optional). The receiving band(s) are developed to customer specifications. They are available in the range from 0.5 GHz and 40 GHz.



  • Replicates real radar signal characteristics (Frequency, Phase, Pulse, Modulation, SCAN).
  • Simulation Scenarios: AOA Simulation, Radar Activity, Virtual Missions.
  • Ideal for Electronic Warfare training and Radar receiver testing.
  • 19” Standard Rack Mountable and Portable models are available.
  • Signal data library with up to 1024 entries.
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 0.5 – 40 GHz

 NATO Bands

 C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K

 IEEE Bands

 UHF (upper), L, S, C, X, Ku, K, Ka


 1 MHz


 1 kHz (higher accuracy on request)
2 MHz (VCO and DTO)


 Fixed, Agile (Sinusoid, Saw-Tooth, Triangular, Rectangular, Random), Hopping (up to 256 / sec)



 CW, Stable, Jitter, Stagger (32 Steps), Dwell & Switch, Random

 Width Range

 0.05 – 225 us

 Repitition Interval

 1us – 1 sec
(longer possible)


 Up to 1,000,000 pulses / sec (PPS)


 Linear, Non-Linear
(FM Bandwidth depends on PW, 40 MHz max)

 PMOP Agile

 Bi-Phase, Quadratic-Phase

Frequency Modulation on Pulse (FMOP)


 Linear, non-Linear, Chirp up/down


 Sine, Triangular


 10 – 512 MHz


 1 MHz

Phase Modulation on Pulse (PMOP)


 Bi-Phase, Quadratic Phase

 Change Time

 < 50 ns


 better than 20°



 Electronic (Agile Beam), Conical, TWS, Steady, Sector, Lobe Switching, Circular, Helical, Raster, Bi-Directional, Use defined


 50ms – 10 sec


 0 – 40 dB


 Number of RF Signals per Bank

 1 CW + 1 Pulse Doppler Signal, or
1 CW + 16 Pulse Signals, or
17 Pulse signals

 Ports per Bank

 1 Vertical Polarization,
1 Horizontal Polarization,
1 Monitoring

 Power (Signal)

 > 15 dBm (other power levels on request)

 Monitoring Port

 > 5 dBm (other power levels on request)

Communication Interfaces

 Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), USB, RS-232

Dimensions / Weight / Environment / Electrical


Depends on model and configuration

Weight (frequency

Depends on model and configuration


110-240V +/- 10%
Up to 30 minutes battery operation with maximal transmit power (portable instruments only)

Power Consumption

Depends on model and configuration

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