Agilent 8664A High Performance Signal Generator 100 kHz - 3 GHz


The Agilent 8664A signal generator is suited for basic receiver testing up to 3.0 GHz. With Option 004 (low-noise enhancement), it can be used for out-of-channel receiver testing or as a clock source where having the lowest phase jitter is important. Radar testing can be done by adding Option 008 (pulse modulation). Pulse width and delay can be internally adjusted between 50 ns and 999 ns, eliminating the need for an external pulse generator. Standard FM rates of up to 2 MHz and deviations to 10 MHz are suitable for many applications such as high-speed digital communications.



  • 100 kHz to 3000 MHz – 8664A, 4200 MHz – 8665B – 6000 MHz
  • Low SSB phase noise (Option 8664A-004 or Option 8665B-004)
  • AM and wideband FM
  • High performance pulse modulation (Option 8664A-008 or Option 8665B-008)
  • Ultra low leakage (Option 8664A-010 or Option 8665B-010)
  • 252 kHz to 1030 MHz, 2060 MHz (Option 8644B-002)
  • Lowest SSB phase noise and spurious
  • Highest output power
  • Lowest residual FM
  • AM, FM, pulse modulation
  • Built-in 2 GHz counter (Option 8644B-011)
  • VOR/ILS signal simulation (Option 8644B-009)
  • Ultra low leakage (Option 8644B-010)
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Frequency Range

.1MHz – 3 GHz

Frequency Resolution


Frequency Switching Time

50 ms

Minimum Output Power

-139 dBm

Maximum Output Power

13 dBm

Power Resolution


Output Accuracy

1.5 dB

Output Impedance

50 ohm

Maximum Single-Side Band Noise

-117 dBc/Hz

Harmonics (noise)

-30 dBc

Non-harmonics (noise)

-90 dBc



Sweep Modes

Linear, log

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