Megger 220005 DC Dielectric High Pot Tester 5 kV DC Test Voltage


Dielectric test sets measure leakage current while applying a dc voltage at or above the insulation system's operating level. This measurement aids in determining the insulation system's ability to withstand overvoltages such as lightning strikes and switching surges.



  • Compact and portable
  • Air insulated, uses no oil
  • ±2% accuracy
  • Leakage current measurement as low as 0.1 mA
  • Continuously variable test voltage with zero-start safety interlock
  • Fast charging of high-capacitance samples
  • Current guard circuit for highly accurate measurements
  • Strip chart recorder for hard copies (optionally available)

Megger 220005 Safety and Reliability

  • Input and output line circuit breaker
  • Output current overload relay
  • Zero-start interlock for high-voltage output
  • Switch control and indicating lights for high-voltage
  • ON/OFF on the 15-kV model
  • Full circuit breaker protection
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