Solar 7429-1 Loop Antenna


For RS01 Magnetic Field Tests.

The loop antenna used for generating radiated magnetic fields is fully described in Figure 1A of MIL-STD-461A. It consists of ten urns of number 16 A.W.G. wire on an insulated from 4.72″ (12 cm) in diameter. The winding is placed on the form in a position which allows the form to be used as a spacer to place the winding 5 cm from the face of the item under test as required by test method RS01 of MIL-STD-462.

The Type 7429-1 Loop Antenna has been designed to the exact requirements of the specification. The loop winding is placed on a durable plastic form and is equipped with banana jack style terminals for connection to the test setup. The loop is not shielded.


In a practical RS01 test setup, the loop antenna is supplied with the required current versus frequency by the Solar Model 6550-1 Power Sweep Generator. The current is measured with a voltmeter connected across the Solar Type 7144-1.0 Precision Resistor which is connected in series between the loop and the generator.

The a.c. current in the Type 7429-1 Loop Antenna to generate the magnetic field intensity required by test method RS01 at 5 cm from the loop winding is depicted on a graph supplied with the loop. The required current varies from a few microamperes to about 5 amperes as frequency is adjusted over the range 30Hz to 50 KHz.

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