Solar 9355-1 Pulse Generator


For MIL-STD461D/E CS115 Susceptibility Test.

The charged line potential of the Model 9355-1 is adjustable from less than 2 volts to greater than 2000 volts. The repetition rate is variable from less than 0.6 p.p.s. to greater than 150 p.p.s., or single pulses manually triggered by a panel mounted push button. Digital displays monitor the charging voltage and pulse repetition rate.

This unit can also be used as an impulse calibrator to provide an adjustable spectral output up to 150 dB +/-V/MHz over the frequency range of 1 KHz to 10 MHz constant within +/- 1 dB.


  • Panel-mounted digital meters monitor the adjustable charged line voltage and pulse repetition rate
  • Adjustable pulse rate from 0.6 p.p.s. to 150 p.p.s., and manual triggering via front panel push button
  • Charged line output voltage adjustable from 1.0 V to >2000 V
  • Pulse generator with spectral output calibrated in terms of dB V/MHz into a 50 ohm load

Solar 9355-1 Application

Solar Model 9355-1 Pulse Generator is designed to provide impulse excitation by means of an injection probe placed around interconnecting cables or power wires. The unit uses a charged transmission line (50 ohms) to generate a pulse with less than 2 nanoseconds  rise and fall time, and duration of approximately 30 nS, calibrated in a 50 ohm fixture to deliver up to 5 amperes at a rate of 30 p.p.s. for one minute as required by MIL-STD-461D/E, test method CS115.

Download Data Sheet


OUTPUT PULSE Charging Voltage Adjustable from 0 to 2000 volts
Rise/Fall Time <2 nanoseconds
Duration Time 35 nanoseconds
Pulse Repetition Rate 0.6 p.p.s. to 150 p.p.s.
Polarity +/- selectable
SPECTRAL OUTPUT Frequency Range 1 KHz to 10 MHz
Output Level into 50 Ohm Up to 150 dB +/- V/MHz
Output Flatness +/- 1 dB
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