Tektronix 571 Curve Tracer System – Semiconductor Testers


The 571 Curve Tracer is designed to accurately display the characteristics of two and three terminal semiconductor devices at a very affordable price. This easy-to-operate curve tracer is ideally suited for testing diodes, transistors, and thyristors.

Characteristic curves are digitized and displayed on a large video display CRT.

The 571 Curve Tracer is extremely versatile, yet remarkably easy to operate. Two main display screens are provided. The first screen is a menu page for selecting the device type and all relevant parameters. Parameters are selected and modified by a simple front-panel keypad entry.

The second screen displays the measured data- a family (set) of curves. The collector voltage and current parameters can be easily changed without switching back to the menu screen. An operator prompt line is provided at the bottom of each screen to always indicate which push-buttons are active.

Up to 12 parameter set-ups (12 completed tests) can be stored in non-volatile EEROM memory to speed up testing of frequently used devices. One set of characteristic curves can be stored in RAM memory for comparison of one device to another (reference device). A monitor for classroom viewing can be connected to the monochrome video output. A complete set of device adapter sockets are an integral part of the front-panel, preventing possible misplacement.



  • Easy to operate 
  • Menu Driven
  • Digital Waveform
  • Non-Volatile EEROM- Store 12 Test Setups
  • Accurate Cursor Measurements
  • Hard Copy Output to Matrix Printer
  • Built-in Safety Features
  • Composite Video Output (50 Hz)
  • Built-in Test Sockets
Download Data Sheet


Collector Supply

0.5 to 100 volts in 8 ranges max 2 A @50 V, 1A@ 100 V

Selectable Load Resistor

0.3, 10,100 ohm and 1, 10 ohm

Base Drive

max 10 steps, 0.5 step to 20 mA/step both source and sink in 15 ranges

Gate Drive

0.1 V/step to 1 V/step positive and negative in 4 ranges


5 micro amps to 200 mA/div in 15 ranges


Two cursors can be moved along the displayed curves. The X and Y position of the cursor will be displayed on the screen. Basic accuracy is 2% of full scale, all mentioned ranges are in 1-2-5 sequence


BNC connector.  50 Hz frame rate, 17.8 kHz line rate

Printer Out

Centronics parallel interface

Output Format

Epson or IBM compatible

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