Solar 9354-2 Transient Generator


For Susceptibility Tests MIL-STD461C/D/E and Other Specifications.

The Model 9354-1 & 9354-2 Transient Generators provide nine selectable waveforms, including six damped sinusoidal pulses (10 KHz,100 KHz, 1 MHz, 10 MHz, 30 MHz, and 100 MHz) and three double exponential pulses (6.4 µS, 70 µS, 500 µS and 120 µS on 9354-2).

Auto pulsing of the sinusoidal repetition rate is internally adjusted from 0.5 to 1.0 pulse per second. A front panel-mounted push button can be used to manually trigger single pulses. The peak amplitude of the selected output pulse is adjustable as a percentage of the charge voltage.

The six damped sinusoidal waveforms were designed to meet the requirements of MIL-STD-461D and E, method CS116, when applied in accordance with the test method of MIL-STD-462D. Continuous tunable frequencies can be obtained by the use of the optional variable frequency modules.

These same waveforms are applicable to the requirements of MIL-STD-461C, methods CS10 and CS11, when applied in accordance with the test method of MIL-STD-462, Notice 5.

The 1MHz and 10 MHz damped sinusoidal waveforms have been extended to a peak open circuit voltage of 3200 volts and a calculated short circuit current of 128 amperes to meet the requirements of RTCA DO-160E, Section 22, Table 22-2 and 22-3, waveform 3.

The three double exponential pulses were designed to meet the requirements of RTCA DO-160E, Section 22, Tables 22-2 and 22-3


  • Panel-mounted digital voltmeter. Monitors the adjusted open circuit discharge voltage
  • Pulse rates up to one pulse per second maximum (factory adjusted)
  • Single pulse feature enables controlled isolation of transient effects
  • Output voltage adjustable from 0.1% to 100% of selected discharge voltage
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Damped Sinusoid Pulses
10 KHz Open Circuit Voltage 30 Volts
Calculated Short Circuit Current 120 Amps
Source Impedance <0.25 Ohm
100 KHz Open Circuit Voltage 300 Volts
Calculated Short Circuit Current 120 Amps
Source Impedance <2.5 Ohm
1 MHz Open Circuit Voltage 3200 Volts
Calculated Short Circuit Current 128 Amps
Source Impedance <25 Ohm
10 MHz Open Circuit Voltage 3200 Volts
Calculated Short Circuit Current 128 Amps
Source Impedance <25 Ohm
30 MHz Open Circuit Voltage 1000 Volts
Calculated Short Circuit Current 20 Amps
Source Impedance <0.50 Ohm
100 MHz Open Circuit Voltage 300 Volts
Calculated Short Circuit Current 6 Amps
Source Impedance <50 Ohm


Double Exponential Pulses
6.4 µS Rise Time 100 nS
Open Circuit Voltage 1600 Volts
Calculated Short Circuit Current 800 Amps
Source Impedance < 2.0 ohms
70.0 µS Rise Time 6.4 µS
Open Circuit Voltage 1600 Volts
Calculated Short Circuit Current 800 Amps
Source Impedance < 2.0 ohms
500 µS Rise Time 50 µS
Open Circuit Voltage 1600 Volts
Calculated Short Circuit Current 400 Amps
Source Impedance < 4.0 ohms
120 µS (9354-2) Rise Time 40 µS
Open Circuit Voltage 1600 Volts
Calculated Short Circuit Current 400 Amps
Source Impedance < 4.0 ohms
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