ZES Zimmer LMG500 Precision Power Analyzer - 8 Channel


Precision Power Meters (German: Prazisions-LeistungsMessGerate) of the series LMG by ZES ZIMMER LMG95 for single phase, LMG450 and LMG500 for multiphase measurements – are well known worldwide and have been proved invaluable in industrial applications, R&D and education. The character string LMG has thus become a synonym for precise and wideband measurement of electrical power. All variables linked with electrical power like current, voltage, harmonics, flicker and energy are also precisely determined for optimizing products in efficiency, reliability, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and life cycle costs.


  • 1 to 8 power channels
  • Isolated measurement inputs with extremely low capacitance and highest dynamics CMR and interference immunity
  • 3MSamples/s continuously gap free measuring process
  • Harmonic and interharmonic analysis up to 99th harmonic resp. up to 99 interharmonics
  • Analog and digital in/outputs
  • Additional inputs for current sensors
  • Auto-scaling current sensors compensated in phase and amplitude
  • PC interfaces
  • Graphical color display to show measured values, wave form, diagrams of calculated values, bar charts and vector diagrams (fresnel diagrams)
  • Ergonomic user friendly interface
  • Formula editor
  • LabVIEW driver

ZES Zimmer LMG Applications

Precision Power Analyzer for enhanced requirements. Best for measurements on inverters, switching power supplies, lightings and switched power electronics with short pulse duration <100ns.

Download Data Sheet


Model LMG500
Channels 1 – 8
Frequency DC – 10MHz
Basic accuracy 0.025%
Voltage ranges 3 – 1000V
Current ranges 20mA – 32A
Interfaces RS232, Printer (optional: IEEE 488, USB, Ethernet, Process signals)
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